Yukon Home


Photo Collection For Yukon

1996 – Present


Carl, Lillian Kiyoshi standing next to bonfire on winter solstice

Crocus at Lake Laberge

Crocus overlooking Lake Laberge

Winter Deck View

Yukon winter sunrise view

Deer at Horse Creek

Two deer out the window at the Yukon Horse Creek home

Northern Lights

Lillian “orchestrating” the Northern Lights

Rainbow on the Hillside

a Rainbow over the hillside at Horse Creek

Bird Migration

Faro. Sandhill cranes heading north

Shallow Bay View

View of Shallow Bay from hillside overlooking Horse Creek valley


Carl snowhoeing through forest trail near Horse Creek home

Snowy Deck

Fresh snowfall on outside deck of Horse Creek home

Tombstone Mountains

View of the mountains and valley in Tombstone

Tombstone Park Mushrooms


Mushrooms at Tombstone Park, YK in fall

Fall Leaves


Fall leaves in the Yukon during fall

Christmas Day Walk


Lillian walking on the hillside near Horse Creek home



Beaver swimming in Horse Creek

New Year’s Feast

December 31, 2020

New Year’s eve dinner at Nakamura Maguire home



Very fuzzy Yukon crocuses just starting to open

Flowers on Deck

July 11, 2021

Flowers box on deck railing at Horse Creek home

Fireweed in Summer

July 23, 2021

Fireweed during the middle of summer in the Yukon

Larch Tree

October 14, 2021

Larch tree with autumn cones

Winter Sunrise

December 22, 2021

The winter sunrise over the mountains near Horse Creek home

Kluane Lake

August 2023

The beach at Kluane Lake

Mt. Logan Icefield View

August 2023

Carl and Lillian looking at Mt. Logan from Icefield

Mt. Logan Icefield Landing View

August 2023

Carl & Kiyoshi viewing Mt. Logan

Window Winter Sunrise


Yukon view through Surrey, B.C. lead pane window


平安 (Heian) – at peace

End of Yukon Photo Collection

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平安 (Heian) – at peace 

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