Ancestral Home

Photo Collection For Ancestral Home
1912 – 1939
Buddhist Temple
Buddhist temple – Nakamura ancestral records/remains

Nakamura Grandparents with Sadato
Nakamura Family L to R: Mother Haru holding baby daughter Chiharu, Sadato, Izo (grandfather), Senroku (father), Katsuto (brother)

20’s Sadato kimono
Sadato as young man in his 20s

Kikuchi family
L to R BACK Aiko, Takeo(brother), wife Koto with baby Kiyoshi; FRONT: Yasosuke (father), Komine (sister) baby Kinuko

Nurse Aiko
Aiko as a nurse-in-training

Sadato and Aiko’s Marriage
June 1936
Formal marriage photo of Sadato Nakamura & Aiko Kikuchi

Sadato With Camera
Sadato self portrait of him filming himself in mirror

Sadato Aiko Nikko
Sadato and Aiko prior to departure to Canada at Nikko

End of Ancestral Home Photo Collection
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郷愁 (Kyosyu) – longing for home Winner of MITY Emerging Artist Award, 2023 Dawson City International Short Film Festival
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After exploring some of the photos, stories and documents, please reflect on the following:
Is there a place you consider your “ancestral home”?
Where and why?
What are ways that you connect with your ancestral home?
What Others Have Said
Since I have a diverse background which includes immigration, I don’t think in terms of ancestral home. Ireland and Chernovitz which is now part of Ukraine but was in Romania. I think of home as Winnipeg.
McKenzie Delta and Dogrib Gwichin lands in upper Porcupine River area. Food – caribou and fish, bannock and fresh baked bread, brothers, sister, cousins
Japan and Scotland – I connect to them most (among other Ancestral lands) because of the food and traditions that were passed down to me from both cultures and the places that stick with me today. Sushi, mochi, sukiyaki, tamago kake gohan, mince and tatties, shortbread, haggis and neeps. Big family get togethers. Music. Foggy moist air. Natural beauty. Love of gardening.
Thanks for your comment and checking out the website. What a wonderful, rich background to draw upon!
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