Prairie Home

Photo Collection For Prairie Home
Family Portrait Saskatchewan
Aiko and Sadato with three young children, Sadamu, Harumi, Mariko

Aiko and children in Winter Clothes
Victoria Ave house. L to R Sadamu(Sam), Mariko, Harumi, George, Aiko

Baby Lillian
Lillian sitting on a couch

Sadato building Regina Home
October 28, 1950
Sadato on roof of Regina home with Legislature in the background

Regina Home
Residential house with a car parked out front

Aiko with Lillian
Aiko with Lillian in front of car in Regina

Sadato with Lillian
Dad and Lillian in front of his car and our house

Nakamura Family Photo
Back: Mariko, Aiko, baby Thomas (Tom), Sadamu (Sam); Front – Harumi, Lillian, George

Sam to Lillian
Regina home front steps top to bottom: Lillian, George, Sam. Harumi, Mariko

Elmer and Tom
Elmer and Tom in front of Regina home

Tom and Elmer with Chicks
Tom and Elmer holding baby chicks in living room in Regina home

50th Anniversary Family Photo
50th anniversary of Sadato and Aiko with family Back: Elmer, Tom George, Sam FRONT: Lillian, Sadato, Aiko, Mariko, Harumi

Mum and Dad Vacation
Sadato & Aiko photo taken on BC vacation

Mum’s Garden
Aiko in front of large backyard garden on Winnipeg St.

探求 (Tankyu) – searching, seeking

End of Prairie Photo Collection
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探求 (Tankyu) – searching, seeking
After exploring some of the photos, stories and documents, please reflect on the following:
How do you create a feeling of “home” for yourself/your family?
How have others made you or your family feel at home?
What Others Have Said
I don’t feel at home until I can bake and cook in a kitchen wherever I am.
A place in the community – job, friends, church, school.
Freedom to explore miles from home, trust in strangers, variety of friendships
I feel at home when I am with my wife having friends over or simply the events of the day. I doubt there is anything like going to bed with or waking up next to one’s partner. That is home.
The aroma of fresh cookies filled our cosy yellow home
With Magnificent Chocolate Chips so much like Mom used to make,
that love was in the air
Vases adorned the table with roses and white lillies
Fresh and clean, vivid as only the present can be
Music wafted in from every corner
Lush piano bar music that dripped with sultry sounds
hinting of quieter times and hidden memories
Flickering at the hearth a warm and inviting fire,
blazing enough to warm the soul and toes
In that glow, the first kiss through the door was heaven on earth,
a blessing and a recompense for everything
that had ever come before or could possibly transpire
until the end of days
Thank you! What a beautiful description of home – I can picture you and your wife there! Lovely collection of images. Thanks for sharing and for viewing the site.
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